The battery stores the solar power panels generate, so we cannot overstate its importance. When it comes to batteries, there are two popular options, lithium-ion and lead-acid. The many benefits of solar lithium-ion batteries outweigh the cons, and lithium-ion batteries make the most sense for a long-term investment. No Health Hazard Lithium-ion batteries are safe. They don't produce noise pollution, and there is no risk of acid or the battery bursting into flames. There is no health risk to humans, and it is environmentally friendly. You can install a solar lithium-ion battery anywhere and feel safe. Lead-acid batteries can pose a lot of chances. They are susceptible to corrosion and rust if not taken care of. Corroded batteries can lead to blindness if contact is made, and other health risks are associated with them. Lead-acid batteries also need to be disposed of properly because they are an environmental hazard. Superior depth Solar lead-acid batteries need a recharg...