We can ride our electric bikes to work without worrying about traffic or getting sweaty. They relieve the burden on couriers, serve as a healthy, joint-friendly mode of transportation, and transport us to trails that we could not have reached using only our legs. The market is rapidly expanding, and we have come to take e-support for granted. However, the seemingly simple thing that simplifies our lives is actually quite complex. That is why we will provide you with some information about your e-MTB's power plant battery . The Boom in History When lithium-ion batteries first appeared on the market in the early 1990s, they heralded the start of a new era. While many manufacturers initially relied on nickel-metal hydride batteries, by the beginning of the twenty-first century, powerful lithium-ion batteries had overtaken the industry. What are the advantages? To begin with, the lighter weight has proven particularly useful when used in portable devices such as notebooks, smartphones...